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 | Danish-Amharic | | Amharicpro - Amharic-Danish Dictionary (AM<->DA), Glosbe - the multilingual online dictionary (MULTI), Tradukka Mulitlingual Dictionary (MULTI), Geonames - Countries of the World (MULTI) ... |
 | Dutch-Amharic | | Amharicpro - Amharic-Dutch Dictionary (AM<->NL), Glosbe - the multilingual online dictionary (MULTI), Tradukka Mulitlingual Dictionary (MULTI), Geonames - Countries of the World (MULTI) ... |
 | English-Amharic | | Amharic: dictionary, online translation and resources (AM<->EN), Amharic-English Dictionary - AmharicDictionary.com (AM<->-EN), Amharic-English Dictionary by Thomas Leiper Kane vol. 1 -1990 (AM>EN), Amharic-English Dictionary by Thomas Leiper Kane vol 2 -1990 (AM>EN) ... |
 | French-Amharic | | Amharic: dictionary, online translation and resources (AM<->FR), Dictionaric - Amharic-French Dictionary (AM<->FR), Abyssinica Dictionary (AM>DE-EN-FR-IT), Glosbe - the multilingual online dictionary (MULTI) ... |
 | German-Amharic | | Amharicpro - Amharic-German Dictionary (AM<->DE), Abyssinica Dictionary (AM>DE-EN-FR-IT), Glosbe - the multilingual online dictionary (MULTI), Tradukka Mulitlingual Dictionary (MULTI) ... |
 | Italian-Amharic | | Amharic: dictionary, online translation and resources (AM<->IT), Abyssinica Dictionary (AM>DE-EN-FR-IT), Glosbe - the multilingual online dictionary (MULTI), Tradukka Mulitlingual Dictionary (MULTI) ... |
 | Japanese-Amharic | | Glossary for ILCAA Amharic Course (AM>JA), Glosbe - the multilingual online dictionary (MULTI), Tradukka Mulitlingual Dictionary (MULTI) ... |
 | Norwegian-Amharic | | Amharicpro - Amharic-Norwegian Dictionary (AM<->NO), Glosbe - the multilingual online dictionary (MULTI), Tradukka Mulitlingual Dictionary (MULTI), Coronavirus: A Glossary of Terms to Help You Understand the Crisis (MULTI) ... |
 | Spanish-Amharic | | Amharic: dictionary, online translation and resources (AM<->ES), Basic Spanish>Amharic Vocabulary (ES>AM), Spanish>Amharic Vocabulary (ES>AM), Glosbe - the multilingual online dictionary (MULTI) ... |
 | Swedish-Amharic | | Amharicpro - Amharic-Swedish Dictionary (AM<->SV), Glosbe - the multilingual online dictionary (MULTI), Tradukka Mulitlingual Dictionary (MULTI), Coronavirus: A Glossary of Terms to Help You Understand the Crisis (MULTI) ... |
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