 | Selection of the best French-English dictionaries |
 | All French-English dictionaries |
 | French-Spanish dictionaries |
| |
 | Afrikaans-French |
| Afrikaans: dictionary, online translation and resources (AF<->FR), Freelang Afrikaans-French Dictionary (AF<->FR), Lexique afrikaans-français (AF-FR), Microsoft Search Terminology (EN>MULTI) ... |
 | Albanian-French |
| Albanian: dictionary, online translation and resources (FR<->SQ), Freelang French-Albanian Dictionary (FR<->SQ), Dictionaric - Albanian-French Dictionary (FR<->SQ), French to Albanian France-Kosovo Glossary (FR>SQ) ... |
 | Arabic-French |
| Arabic: dictionary, online translation and resources (AR<->FR), Arabdict Arabic-French Dictionay (AR<->FR), Larousse French>Arabic Dictionary (FR>AR), Reverso Arabic French Online Dictionary (AR<->FR) ... |
 | Armenian-French |
| Armenian: dictionary, online translation and resources (FR<->HY), Nayiri - Armenian-French Dictionary with Spell-checker (EN<->HY), Dictionnaire Calfa arménien-français (FR<->HY), Dictionnaire Arménien-Français, Krikor Chahinian (FR<->HY) ... |
 | Basque-French |
| Basque: dictionary, online translation and resources (EU<->FR), Elhuyar Basque-French Dictionary (EU<->FR), French>Basque lexicon, J-B Orpustan (EU>FR), Basque>French lexicon, J-B Orpustan (FR>EU) ... |
 | Bengali-French |
| Bengali: dictionary, online translation and resources (BN<->FR), Dictionaric - Bengali-French Dictionary (BN<->FR), Microsoft Search Terminology (EN>MULTI), Glosbe - the multilingual online dictionary (MULTI) ... |
 | Bosnian-French |
| Bosnian: dictionary, online translation and resources (BOS<>-FR), Bosnian-French Rjecnik.ba Dicionary (BOS<->FR), Glossario illustrato del lavoro nei cantieri - 2007 (AR-BOS-EN-FR-IT-RO-SQ), Microsoft Search Terminology (EN>MULTI) ... |
 | Breton-French |
| Breton: dictionary, online translation and resources (BR->FR), Dictionary of science and technology - 2011 (BR<->FR), Dictionary of Economics - Preder 2005 (BR<->FR), Dictionnaire Grand Terrier Breton-Français (BR<->FR) ... |
 | Bulgarian-French |
| Bulgarian: dictionary, online translation and resources (BG<->FR), Lingea Bulgarian-French Dictionary (BG<->FR), Rechnik-bg French>Bulgarian Dictionary (FR>BG), Eurodict Bulgarian-French Dictionary (BG<->FR) ... |
 | Byelorussian-French |
| Dictionaric - Byelorussian-French Dictionary (BE<->FR), Freelang Byelorussian-French Dictionary (BE<->FR), Glosbe - the multilingual online dictionary (MULTI), Multilingual Archival Terminology (MULTI) ... |
 | Catalan-French |
| Catalan: dictionary, online translation and resources (CA<->FR), Larousse Compact Catalan-French Dictionary (CA<->FR), Lingea Catalan-French Dictionary (CA<->FR), TERMCAT - Argot culinari i gastronòmic - 2014 (CA>ES-FR) ... |
 | Chinese-French |
| Chinese: dictionary, online translation and resources (FR<->ZH), Larousse French>Chinese Dictionary (FR>ZH), Frdic.com Chinese-French Dictionary (FR<->ZH), Reverso - Chinese-French Contextual Dictionary (FR<>-ZH) ... |
 | Creole-French |
| Dictionnaire Creole.org (CRP<->FR), French>Creole Universal Dictionary by Raphaël Confiant (FR>CRP), Dictionnaire de Créole (CRP>FR), Freelang Dictionary Français-Creole Antillais (CRP<->FR) ... |
 | Croatian-French |
| Croatian: dictionary, online translation and resources (FR<->HR), Lingea Croatian-French Dictionary (FR<->HR), Eudict.com Croatian-French Dictionary (FR<->HR), Dictionaric - Croatian-French Dictionary (FR<>-HR) ... |
 | Czech-French |
| Czech: dictionary, online translation and resources (CS<->FR), Seznam Czech-French Dictionary (CS<->FR), Martin Vit's Dictionary (CS<->FR), Centrum.cz Dictionary (CS<->FR) ... |
 | Danish-French |
| Danish: dictionary, online translation and resources (DA<->FR), Lingea Danish-French Dictionary (DA<->FR), Dansk Parlør Danish-French (DA<->FR), Danish-French Railway Terminology (DA<->FR) ... |
 | Dutch-French |
| Dutch: dictionary, online translation and resources (FR<->NL), Dutch-French Legal Vocabulary (FR<->NL), Reverso Dutch-French Online Dictionary (FR<->NL), Van Dale Dutch-French Dictionary (FR<->NL) ... |
 | English-French |
| English: dictionary, online translation and resources (EN<->FR), French: dictionary, online translation and resources (FR<->EN), Le Grand Dictionnaire Terminologique (EN<->FR), Collins English-French Dictionary (EN<->FR) ... |
 | Esperanto-French |
| Esperanto: dictionary, online translation and resources (EO<->FR), Dictionnaire compact Espéranto-Françai-(EO-FR), Dictionnaire Ido (FR<->IO), Freelang Dictionary (EO<->FR) ... |
 | Estonian-French |
| Estonian: dictionary, online translation and resources (ET<->FR), Lingea Estonian-French Dictionary (ET<->FR), GDEF - Grand dictionnaire estonien>français (ET>FR), AnnaAbi.com EstonianFrench Dictionary (ET<->FR) ... |
 | Finnish-French |
| Finnish: dictionary, online translation and resources (FI<->FR), Lingea Finnish-French Dictionary (FI<->FR), TEPA-Term bank of The Finnish Centre for Technical Terminology (DE-EN-ET-FI-FR-SV), Library Dictionary (DE-EN-ET-FI-FR-RU) ... |
 | Galician-French |
| Galician: dictionary, online translation and resources (FR<->GL), French-Galician Tourist Terms Glossary (FR<->GL), French-Galician CLUVI Dictionary - 2008 (FR<->GL), Multilingual Soil Science Dictionary- DMCS - 2014 (EN-ES-FR-GL-PT) ... |
 | Georgian-French |
| Georgian: dictionary, online translation and resources (FR<->KA), Targmne.com French-Georgian Dictionary (FR<->KA), Dictionaric - French- Georgian Dictionary (FR<->KA), Freelang Dictionary (FR<->KA) ... |
 | German-French |
| German: dictionary, online translation and resources (DE<->FR), Larousse French-German Dictionary (DE<->FR), Pons French-German Dictionary (DE<->FR), LEO German-French Dictionary (DE<->FR) ... |
 | Greek-French |
| Greek: dictionary, online translation and resources (EL<->FR), ILSP Bilingual Dictionary French-Greek (EL<->FR), Lingea French-Greek Dictionary (EL<->FR), Teleterm - Telecommunications Termbase (DE-EL-EN-FR) ... |
 | Hebrew-French |
| Hebrew: dictionary, online translation and resources (FR<->HE), Reverso – French-Hebrew Contextual Dictionary (FR<->HE), Reverso French-Hebrew Online Dictionary (FR<->HE), Shorashon, lexicon containing nearly 4000 Hebraic roots (HE>FR) ... |
 | Hindi-French |
| Hindi: dictionary, online translation and resources (FR<->HI), Bolti Dictionary (FR<->HI), Dictionaric - French-Hindi Dictionary (FR<->HI), Freelang Dictionary (FR<->HI) ... |
 | Hungarian-French |
| Hungarian: dictionary, online translation and resources (FR<->HU), SZTAKI French-Hungarian Dictionary (FR<->HU), Lingea French-Hungarian Dictionary (FR<->HU), Dictionar Botanic Poliglot (DE-EN-FR-HU-LA-RO-RU) ... |
 | Icelandic-French |
| Icelandic: dictionary, online translation and resources (FR<->IS), Snara French-Icelandic Dictionary (FR<->IS), Dictionaric - French-Icelandic Dictionary (FR<->IS), Freelang Dictionary (FR<->IS) ... |
 | Indonesian-French |
| Indonesian: dictionary, online translation and resources (FR<->ID), Lingea French-Indonesian Dictionary (FR<->ID), Dictionaric - French-Indonesian Dictionary (FR<->HI), Petit Dictionnaire technique français>indlonésien (FR>ID) ... |
 | Irish-French |
| Irish: dictionary, online translation and resources (FR<->GA), Dictionaric - French-Irish Dictionary (FR<->GA), Freelang Dictionary (FR<->GA), IATE- The EU's Multilingual Term Base (MULTI) ... |
 | Italian-French |
| Italian: dictionary, online translation and resources (IT<->FR), French: dictionary, online translation and resources (FR<->IT), Zanichelli Online French-Italian Dictionary (FR<->IT), Larousse French-Italian Dictionary (FR<->IT) ... |
 | Japanese-French |
| Japanese: dictionary, online translation and resources (FR<->JA), Dictionnaire français-japonais (FR<->JA), Jim Breen's WWWJDIC Japanese-French Dictionary (FR<->JA), Reverso French-Japanese Online Dictionary (FR<->JA) ... |
 | Korean-French |
| Korean: dictionary, online translation and resources (FR<->KO), Naver French-Korean Dictionary (FR<->KO), Reverso French-Koream Online Dictionary (FR<->KO), Lingea French-Korean Dictionary (FR<->KO) ... |
 | Latin-French |
| Dictionnaire Latin-Français de Félix Gaffiot (éd. corrigée 2016) (LA>FR), Latin-French Dictionary (LA>FR), Dictionarium latinogallicum de Robert Estienne (1552) (LA>FR), French-Latin Freelang Dictionary - Botany (FR<->LA) ... |
 | Latvian-French |
| Latvian: dictionary, online translation and resources (FR<->LV), Lingea French-Latvian Dictionary (FR<->LV), Latvijas Nacionālais terminoloģijas portāls (LV-DE-EN-FR-RU), VVC - Terminology Database (DE-EN-FR-LA-LV-RU) ... |
 | Lithuanian-French |
| Lithuanian: dictionary, online translation and resources (FR<->LT), Lithuanian>French Physics Dictionary (LT>FR), Lithuanian>French Radio Electronics Dictionary (LT>FR), Lingea French-Lithuanian Dictionary (FR<>-LT) ... |
 | Macedonian-French |
| Macedonian:: dictionary, online translation and resources (FR<->MK), Off.net French-Macedonian Dictionary (FR<->MK), IDIVIDI French-Macedonian Dictionary (FR<->MK), Freelang French-Macedonian Dictionary (FR<->MK) ... |
 | Malay-French |
| Freelang Dictionary (FR<->MS), Microsoft Search Terminology (EN>MULTI), Glosbe - the multilingual online dictionary (MULTI), EMITEL - European Medical Imaging Technology e-Encyclopaedia (MULTI) ... |
 | Maltese-French |
| Maltese: dictionary, online translation and resources (FR<->MT), Freelang French>Maltese Dictionary (FR>MT), Maltese>French Dictionary by Joseph Cutayar - 2007 (MT>FR), IATE- The EU's Multilingual Term Base (MULTI) ... |
 | Norwegian-French |
| Norwegian: dictionary, online translation and resources (FR<->NO), Lingea French-Norwegian Dictionary (FR<->NO), Freelang Dictionary (FR<->NO), Metrology Glossary -1997 (EN>DE-FR-NL-NO-SV) ... |
 | Occitan-French |
| Dicod'Òc - French-Occitan Dictionary (FR<->OC), Occitan>French General Dictionary - 2008-2016 (OC>FR), THESOC - Thésaurus occitan en ligne (FR>OC), Lexic occitan de l'audiovisual(FR<->OC) ... |
 | Persian-French |
| Persian: dictionary, online translation and resources (FA<->FR), Tarjomeh.com Dictionary (FR>FA), Dictionaric - French-Persan Dictionary (FA<->FR), Freelang Dictionary (FA<->FR) ... |
 | Polish-French |
| Polish: dictionary, online translation and resources (FR<->PL), Pons French-Polish Dictionary (FR<->PL), LING.PL Dictionary (FR<->PL), Reverso French-Polish Online Dictionary (FR<->PL) ... |
 | Portuguese-French |
| Portuguese: dictionary, online translation and resources (PT<->FR), Porto Editora French-Portuguese Dictionary (FR<->PT), Linguee French-Portuguese Dictionary (FR<->PT), French-Portuguese Michaelis Dictionary (FR<->PT) ... |
 | Romanian-French |
| Romanian: dictionary, online translation and resources (EN<->RO), Reverso - Romanian Online Dictionary (FR<->RO), Hallo.ro French-Romanian Online Dictionary (FR<->RO), Reverso – French-Romanian Contextual Dictionary (FR<->RO) ... |
 | Russian-French |
| Russian: dictionary, online translation and resources (FR<->RU), Multitran French-Russian Dictionary (FR<->RU), Reverso French-Russian Online Dictionary (FR<->RU), Dictionary of Science & Technology (EN-FR-IT-RU) ... |
 | Serbian-French |
| Serbian: dictionary, online translation and resources (FR<->SR), Lingea French-Serbian Dictionary (FR<->SR), Dictionaric - French-Serbian Dictionary (FR<->SR), Freelang Dictionary Français-Serbo-croate (FR<->SR) ... |
 | Slovak-French |
| Slovak: dictionary, online translation and resources (FR<->SK), Azet - French-Slovak Dictionary (FR<->SK), Zoznam French-Slovak Dictionary (FR<->SK), Lingea French-Slovak Dictionary (FR<-<SK) ... |
 | Slovenian-French |
| Slovenian: dictionary, online translation and resources (FR<->SL), Pons French-Slovenian Dictionary (FR<->SL), Lingea French-Slovenian Dictionary (FR<->SL), Terminological Dictionary of Geodesy, Cartography and Real Estate Cadastre ... |
 | Somali-French |
| Dictionaric - French-Somali Dictionary (FR<->SO), French-Somali Dictionary(FR<->SO), Glosbe - the multilingual online dictionary (MULTI), Kaannos Ilmainen Sanakirja (MULTI) ... |
 | Spanish-French |
| Spanish: dictionary, online translation and resources (ES<->FR), French: dictionary, online translation and resources (FR<->ES), WordReference.com French-Spanish Dictionary (ES<->FR), Larousse French-Spanish Dictionary (ES<->FR) ... |
 | Swahili-French |
| Freelang Dictionary (FR<->SW), French>Kisouahili vocabulary- 1894 (FR>SW), Pan-African Glossary of Sports - 2005 (EN-FR-SW-Hausa-Lingala-Manden), Pan-African Vocabulary on the Metalanguage of Terminology - 2012 (EN-FR-Fulfulde-Lingala-Mandingo-SW) ... |
 | Swedish-French |
| Swedish: dictionary, online translation and resources (FR<->SV), Lingea French-Swedish Dictionary (FR<->SV), Interglot.com Dictionary (FR<->SV), Mini-dizionario Multilinge dei Termini Ciclistici (IT>EN-FR-ES-DE-SV) ... |
 | Tamil-French |
| Freelang Dictionary - Tamoul (romanized) (FR<->TA), Freelang Dictionary - Tamoul (spoken language) (FR<->TA), Freelang Dictionary (FR<->TA), Vocabulaire français-tamoul par les Missionns étrangères de Paris - 1850 (FR>TA) ... |
 | Thai-French |
| Thai: dictionary, online translation and resources (FR<->TH), Longdo French-Thai Dictionary (FR<->TH), Lingea French-Thai Dictionary (FR<->TH), French>Thai Dictionaryï (FR>TH) ... |
 | Turkish-French |
| Turkish: dictionary, online translation and resources (FR<->TR), French-Turkish Dictionary.gen.tr (FR<->TR), Reverso – French-Turkish Contextual Dictionary (FR<->TR), Lingea French-Turkish Dictionary (FR<->TR) ... |
 | Ukrainian-French |
| Ukrainian: dictionary, online translation and resources (FR<->UK), Lingea French-Ukrainian Dictionary (FR<->UK), Dictionaric - French-Ukrainian Dictionary (FR<->UK), Freelang Dictionary - Ukrainien-Français (FR<->UK) ... |
 | Urdu-French |
| Freelang Dictionary (FR<->UR), Microsoft Search Terminology (EN>MULTI), Glosbe - the multilingual online dictionary (MULTI), Tradukka Mulitlingual Dictionary (MULTI) ... |
 | Vietnamese-French |
| Vietnamese: dictionary, online translation and resources (FR<->VI), VDict Vietnamse-French Dictionary (FR<->VI), Soha French-Vietnamese Dictionary (FR<->VI), Lingea French-Vietnamese Dictionary (FR<->VI) ... |
 | Welsh-French |
| Freelang Dictionary (CY<->FR), Microsoft Search Terminology (EN>MULTI), Glosbe - the multilingual online dictionary (MULTI), Dicts.info - FDP Universal Dictionary (MULTI) ... |