Lexibar German phonetic symbols

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Lexibar German phonetic symbols
(Version 1.4f (2019), Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10)

German phonetic symbols

Lexibar German phonetic symbols gives rapid access to special characters not available on your keyboard.

Download Lexibar German phonetic symbols

Lexibar for other languages
How to use Lexibar German phonetic symbols

Once you have downloaded and installed Lexibar German phonetic symbols, run the software.

Then either click on the special characters to insert them directly into your word processor or drag and drop them (using the left-hand mouse button).

If these methods do not function, you can copy the characters to the clipboard by double-clicking on them, then paste them into your document.

The orientation of Lexibar German phonetic symbols can be changed by pressing the keyboard space bar.

Use the "+" and "-" keyboard keys to increase or reduce the size of the toolbar.

Send us a comment or suggestion regarding this software.

Online dictionaries:
English-German, French-German, German dictionaries


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